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연구 사례

VCI Solution Test Kit


Product Development: Lily Solution Test (Nitrite Detection) & TRGS Solution Test (Secondary Amine Detection)

Patent Status: Patent pending.

R&D Objective: To detect nitrite and secondary amines in VCI products.

R&D Service: Researched and developed simple-to-use solutions to detect nitrite and secondary amines in VCI products through a single drop of solution onto the VCI products.
Traditional laboratory equipment and air-sealed bottles are not required to detect nitrite and secondary amines in VCI products.
The Lily Solution will react with the VCI vapor dispersing from the VCI product as it will change to a deep-blue color immediately when nitrite is detected.
Whereas TRGS Solution will react with the VCI vapor dispersing from the VCI product as it will change to an orange-red color when secondary amine is detected.