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연구 사례

Volkswagen, BMW, Daimler (Mercedes-Benz) & VCI Masterbatch (GVR-SP)


Client: Volkswagen, BMW, & Daimler (Mercedes-Benz)

Product Development: VCI Masterbatch (GVR-SP); Year 2017

Patent Status: Patent registered.

R&D Objective: To develop a VCI masterbatch to blown-extrude competitive recyclable VCI film that is economical, effective, non-hazardous for EU’s automotive industry.

R&D Service: Researched and developed VCI masterbatch (GVR-SP) to blown extrude VCI polyethene film rolls, sheets, and gusset bags that is compliant with EU’s REACH (SVHC), RoHS, and TRGS 615 regulations without the use nitrite and secondary amines.
GVR-SP corrosion protection capabilities are compliant with Daimler DBL 6994, Volkswagen VW 50164, BMW GS 94003 standards, TL 8135-0002, and TL 8135-0043 corrosion control standards.